Publishing News…
I just turned in the final, final, FINAL edits on Celebrity Crush, and it’s officially off to the printer! (I’m not panicking, you’re panicking.) No, but seriously, this book is ready and I’m so excited for it to be out in the world where you can read it and laugh and just escape for a few hours into a Hollywood romance where you and your celebrity crush play the starring roles. All 3 formats of my book are available for pre-order through Amazon and Barnes & Noble—paperback, ebook, and audiobook. Order yours today!
Writing news…
Every once in awhile we writers drag our introvert selves from behind the safe, friendly, nonjudgmental computer screen and get together with other writer friends. I got to do this recently, driving up to Savannah to meet up with some members of the Write Squad, a group we started on Twitter (back when it was Twitter) during the Pitch Wars mentoring contest (back when it existed). Anyway, this trip, as usual, did not disappoint, and I got to meet 2 members of the Squad in person for the first time. Here’s a Tiktok video that pretty much captures the vibe. Hint… the vibe was awesome.
Celebrity crush stuff…
It’s been 10 years since the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise first launched, so let’s focus on one of my favorite celebrity crushes: Chris Pratt.
I probably like him too much. The first time I saw him was in the movie Passengers. I hadn’t had a celebrity crush in a long time, and he plays this sexy blue collar dude with dance moves who accidentally wakes up on a spaceship that’s supposed to be headed to colonize a faraway world. Well, when you wake up too soon on a ship like that, it’s basically a death sentence. He tries to suffer through it all alone with only a robot bartender for company, but humans are social creatures, so he ends up watching videos of the other passengers and falls in love with one of them played by Jennifer Lawrence and ends up waking her up.
Now, I’ve heard that some viewers were really mad at his character for waking her up. I mean, he basically killed her, right? But I just want to go on record saying that if I had been single and 20-something, asleep on a spaceship, and Chris Pratt fell in love with me, I would have been pissed if he DIDN’T wake me up! Seriously. Open the pod, Chris. No worries. We’ll just swim in that amazing pool and play Dance Dance Revolution for 80 years. Screw colonizing a new planet with its weird, probably awful insects. He was great in that movie as well as Guardians as well as Parks and Rec. And… in real life he has a ranch and CHICKENS, so if we ever get to meet we can talk about our Rhode Island Reds and our Australorps and that one chicken that used to let us love on it and hold it and pet it until a predator got it (waaah). Yes, please, Chris Pratt, let’s do a chicken therapy session together. I could really use a hug.
Looking for something to read?
Fine, I’ll stop talking about Chris Pratt and talk about BOOKS! I just finished my author friend Audrey Burges’ amazing second novel, House Like an Accordion. If you like Women’s Fiction with Magical Realism, you will love this. Here’s my official spoiler-free review:
Looking for more reads?
Mark your calendars and sign up for the Readers Break the Internet online event, Saturday August 17 at 8PM EST. My friend and fellow amazing author Lisa Amowitz is one of the featured authors and she’ll be hanging out and reading and giving away prizes along with a bunch of others. It's free to attend, but there is also a paid option that gives you swag from all the participating authors. Check it out!