UPDATED Preorder Sale and Behind-the-Scenes Fun
I got to pick my audiobook narrators, and my ARCs arrived!
Happy September! There’s so much going on, so let’s jump right in…
Publishing news…
First things first—saving you money! If you missed the big Barnes and Noble Pre-order Sale, it’s back, but for 3 days only! Celebrity Crush is 25% off for Barnes and Noble Members and Premium Members. Available in paperback, ebook, and audiobook, you’re not going to find a better deal. Just click on this cute little promo graphic my publicist, Alli, made for me…
Now that we are fully into production mode, things are happening FAST. For example, we finalized the back cover copy:
Here’s a little behind-the-scenes tidbit for you: The love interest isn’t named on the back cover copy because it’s a spoiler. You start this book not knowing which of the 4 Lost Star Dance Troupe Saves the Universe hunks is Emmy’s celebrity crush. But don’t worry, I don’t make you wait tooooo long.
Next, my publisher sent me some clips from audiobook narrators auditioning for Emmy and her secret celebrity crush. And these weren’t promo clips from their websites, these were voice actors actually reading my first chapter out loud. Like, seriously, what universe are we in??? It was so fun listening to them with my daughters and weighing in on the voices and which ones fit the characters best.
Who were the winners? Drum roll…..
Andrew Eiden and Stephanie Willing! I’ll have to do a separate feature on them for a future newsletter. Then, if that wasn’t enough excitement for a person who some days does not leave the house, a parcel arrived on my doorstep.
Surreal moment for sure. The truth is, I’ve been waiting over a decade for that moment. I still don’t think I’ve fully processed it yet, or properly revelled in it. But it’s true what they say about time passing no matter what you do. If I hadn’t taken the steps to becoming an author 10 years ago, I wouldn’t be holding my babies (I mean, my books) in my arms today.
Okay, that’s enough FEELINGS for now. I have something else to share with you.
I started a Facebook Reader Group
Remember that big box of Advanced Review Copies you just saw me open in the Tiktok video above? Welp, I have to decide what to do with those, and I have decided to gift one to one (maybe two, we’ll see. I do what I want) lucky member of the first 100 people to join my new reader group. So far we’re up to 39 since I started it a couple of days ago, so not a bad start!
This group is dedicated to book talk, contests, prizes, author takeovers, etc. So if you’re a reader and like to engage on social media about books and win free swag and stuff, I invite you join my reader group. Hope to see you there!
Celebrity Crushing It…
I can’t go a full newsletter without talking about some swoon-worthy dude on our TV sets, so let’s turn our focus to Chris Evans.
I recently saw him in Deadpool, and he was cuter than ever. In fact, at 43, I find him a bit more ruggedly handsome than he was all fresh-faced as Cap in the Avengers movies. Speaking of which, there is talk of him coming back for a go in a future MCU flick, that is if the producers want to risk what was probably the Most Perfect Epilogue Ever.
But, I won’t complain, because Chris is a sweetie pie. Do you remember when that compromising photo of him came out over Covid? His fans LEAPT to his defense, spamming the hashtag with love so Chris didn’t have to be embarrassed. Adorable, just like him here with these puppies.
Save on More Romance Reads…
Before I leave you, I want to point out that it’s not just Celebrity Crush on preorder sale with B&N, it’s ALL preorders. That includes some debut siblings of mine and their amazing books that I can’t wait to get my hands on! Stock up, readers, so you have something to read in the cold, boring months of January and February.
Thank you again for being a part of this journey! I’ll be back in October with a Bookfunnel free reads program and more celebrity crush fun. Bye for now!
So excited for CC, Christy!! And I know, listening to the audiobook samples was WILD!!!!